10 Tips for Working From Home

Here are a few ways to set boundaries and gain control when you’re feeling out of control because of having to modify our lifestyles, distance ourselves socially and stay home.

We’re Donating Meals – You Can Help

If there’s one thing we’ve learned during the Covid-19 crisis, it’s that we are all in this together! We launched the #MightyMovement to support our local community and fellow small businesses in three ways.

Keeping Your Immune System Strong

“Food is medicine and exercise is the cure;” this sentiment is truer now, than ever. As a health and fitness coach, and owner of Fit-Nez, my focus has always been on helping my clients learn how to best fuel their bodies. During the Covid-19 crisis, I have put together an Immunity Guide in order to help each of us better navigate these uncertain times, while keeping our immune system strong. 

MightyMeals’ Pickup Partners Provide Virtual Workouts

During the CoronaVirus crisis, we are here for our #MightyFam, and our amazing pickup partners are, too. Here’s a rundown of how our pickup locations are providing you with virtual workout classes, nutrition tips, and more, while you’re staying at home.

MightyMeals CoronaVirus Update

At MightyMeals, we are in the business of providing you with the highest quality, healthy food and it’s our top priority today, and everyday, to maintain the highest level of cleanliness in our kitchen. As the ongoing news of the COVID-19/Coronavirus hits closer to home, we would like to share with you the precautions we are taking. Your health and safety is always our first priority.

Partner Spotlight: Heretic CrossFit

We recently chatted with Heretic CrossFit owner, Dr. Craig Stiritz, about their doctor-led program being the “cure for the common gym,” and how his athletes are adding MightyMeals to their routines while taking meal prep off their plates!

Partner Spotlight: Inergy

This week, we sat down with Kelly Young, owner of Inergy in Chantilly, VA, to hear about their unique combination of outdoor bootcamp classes supplemented with an indoor training studio, and how MightyMeals has been a huge convenience for their members, in more ways than one.