Partner Spotlight: CrossFit Lorton
By: Christine Bean
This week, we sat down with Shan Hawkins and Hanna Wardlaw, owners of CrossFit Lorton, to learn about their passion for helping others live a healthy lifestyle, and how MightyMeals is a key piece to that puzzle.
How did CrossFit Lorton get its start?
Shan: CrossFit Lorton itself has been around since 2008. I’ve been a member for 3 years and Hanna has been a member for about 8 years. We both have a love for CrossFit and fitness in general. Hanna founded Macros and Muscles Nutrition, so she really has a passion for this. Crossfit Lorton is where we met in 2016, and we’ve been best friends ever since. The owner actually approached Hanna and jokingly asked if she would want to buy the business. I’m so glad that we decided to give it a shot (and a little bit of a facelift before reopening!)
What makes Crossfit Lorton unique?
Shan: Honestly, Hanna’s passion for wanting to see people improve their fitness and live a healthier lifestyle. We both feel that way, but Hanna really has the passion behind it, which drives the business. I’m the one who carries the toolbelt around.
Hannah: With my nutrition company, my goal for my clients has always been “total body wellness.” We don’t just hand out the macro numbers and leave people high and dry, we really focus on how the body works. I came to CrossFit Lorton during a very emotional time in my life. It was my hour of happiness, and I really want that for all of our members.
How did you get connected to MightyMeals?
Shan: MightyMeals has been a part of CrossFit Lorton before we became the new owners. We both personally use, and love, MightyMeals. I am active duty military, traveling all over the country, and my go-to when I am out-of-town is to find a meal prep service. Truthfully, MightyMeals has the best meals I have tried, anywhere. I have traveled from East Coast to West Coast! We love having the ability to bulk order, and I also personally appreciate that I can click the gluten free button on the website, because my son has Celiac.
How does MightyMeals benefit your members?
Hanna: The simple fact that these meals are healthy, high-quality, and readily available is what makes MightyMeals beneficial to our members. The website is super user-friendly, and it is very easy to order the meals. The bulk food option is convenient and cost effective for food prep, you can’t even compare the cost for most of these ingredients! The macros are listed too, which is a huge plus.

What is your favorite MightyMeal?
Hanna: Shan says he can’t choose a favorite because everything is amazing! But, for me it’s easy… the Grassfed Beef Lasagna!
About Shan Hawkins and Hanna Wardlaw
Hanna became a member of Crossfit Lorton in 2011 and instantly fell in love with the sport and the competitive style of every workout. In 2016, Shan was stationed in Virginia; he tried Crossfit Lorton and right away loved the atmosphere. Both being extremely competitive in nature, Shan and Hanna instantly formed an incredible workout group through Lorton that holds strong to this day. Shan joined Macros and Muscles Nutrition as a coach, which Hanna is partial owner of and they continued spreading their passion for health and nutrition to as many people as they could. In August of this year, they decided to take over Crossfit Lorton together. Both have the strong desire their box needs to be a place for anyone to come and spend the best hour of their day. CrossFit Lorton is a place to let go of all worries and fears, and where a community waits for its members with open arms.